Division employees receive a Delaware Award for Heroism
As part of the “Delaware Governor’s Awards Ceremony: Recognizing State Employee Individuals, Teams, and Heroes” which was held on May 8, 2017 at Delaware State University in Dover, Gov. John Carney honored a select group of employees and teams for their exemplary service during the past year.
The award recipients included three current members of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ Preservation Maintenance Team—Greg Buchman, Scott Hayes and James Scott—and one former member—Chris Conley—who, as a group, were presented a Delaware Award for Heroism for their efforts in helping to save the life of one of their fellow employees.

Following is an excerpt from the materials submitted in support of the employees’ nomination for the award:
On Wednesday, June 29th [2016] at about 3:00 p.m., a [Historical and Cultural Affairs] HCA employee collapsed at a job location. …
HCA employee Chris Conley moved to assist his fallen co-worker while James Scott called other staff members for assistance. Staff quickly confirmed that their co-worker was unresponsive with no detectable pulse, and they did not believe he was breathing. The situation was urgent and critical.
Chris Conley and Scott Hayes immediately began CPR while … Greg Buchman provided information to the 911 dispatcher. James Scott and Chris Conley traded places delivering CPR, with assistance from Scott Hayes, while all waited for the arrival of the paramedics. Staff continued CPR until the arrival of paramedics from Kent County EMS.
With the arrival of the paramedics, staff stepped aside while the paramedics began medical assessment and treatment. At this time, Greg Buchman …, at the request of the paramedics, sought needed personal information regarding the patient from the division office. Paramedics were successful in reviving the HCA employee and initiated transport to Bayhealth Medical Center.
On Wednesday, June 29th these … HCA colleagues saved the life of one of their co-workers. Historical and Cultural Affairs offers courses in CPR and AED certification to all staff; these team members had taken advantage of that training and were able to provide life-saving measures.
These … HCA employees worked flawlessly in a very stressful and emotional situation. Their courage, professionalism, and care are a model of all HCA employees.
The Delaware Award for Heroism was established in 2013 and is presented to employees who have demonstrated outstanding judgment, exceptional courage, extraordinary decisiveness and presence of mind, and unusual swiftness of action, regardless of their own personal safety, in the attempt to save or protect human life and/or property. Their acts have been deemed to be above and beyond the call of duty.