Historic Property Research Center Access

Ahead of time:

  1. Call 302-736-7400 for an appointment. The Center is open 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.
  2. Ask for your staff advisor, if you’re working with or for a federal or state agency or project. (This also applies if you or your client is applying for a federal permit of some type or using federal money in any way.) If you don’t know who your advisor is or you’re not working on a federal or state mandated project, the Research Center Manager can help you determine who this is.
  3. Schedule your appointment. Please let your advisor or Center staff know when you’ll arrive, how long you expect to be here, and how many people will be coming.
  4. Note that our building has entry stairs, and the Center is on the second floor, with no elevator. Please let us know if we need to make special arrangements to provide the information you need at the Delaware Public Archives, which is fully accessible.
  5. Parking is at a premium close to our building, and is generally available only in areas of 2-hour street parking. You can park free at the Delaware Public Archives parking lot, which is two blocks from our office. Ask for directions when you call.
  6. Food is not allowed in the Center, but beverages are allowed. Restrooms are available on the same floor as the Center.

Once you arrive:

  1. Check in at the receptionist desk, and let them know you have arrived. The receptionist will inform your staff advisor or the Center Assistant that you have arrived, so he or she can take you to the Center. Please let the receptionist know anytime you leave the building, for lunch, to move your car, or at the end of the day.
  2. Sign in and get a Visitor’s badge. Please wear the badge while you are in our building.
  3. Get your User’s Information Sheet from the Center Assistant and note on it what you are currently researching. If this is your first visit, fill out the sheet completely, review the rules on the reverse, provide a picture ID to be photocopied and attached to your form, sign the form, and get a copy of the signed form from the Center Assistant.
  4. Your staff advisor or the Center Assistant will help you determine what files (if any) will provide the information you need. If this is your first visit, he or she will explain our overall system and finding aids.
  5. The Center Assistant will pull the records and/or reports you request.
  6. Once you have finished with a record or report, please place it in the re-filing bin, for the Assistant to re-file.
  7. If you need paper copies of our material, the Assistant will provide those, or help you use the machines to get what you need. See the posted fee schedule for costs. Please make a note of any copyright information.
  8. If you need copies that cannot be reproduced immediately, such as photographic prints from our negatives or a copy of a large report, determine cost with the Assistant. Once you provide payment, we will make the copies and mail them to you.
  9. If you need copies of digital information, such as a GIS layer or part of a database, make arrangements with the Center Manager to e-mail the information (if it is less than 2MB in size) or to produce a CD and mail it to you.
  10. Pay for any copies you have made or requested before you leave. The DE SHPO accepts credit cards (VISA, MasterCharge, and Discover), debit cards, cash, or checks. See the fee schedule for costs.
  11. Sign out when you leave and return the Visitor’s badge.

Complete User’s Guide

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