Pages Tagged With: "WWI"

African-American Participation During World War I

Intro WWI Begins U.S. Involvement Women During WWI African Americans Delaware’s Role WWI Ends Posters Gallery African-American Participation During World War I Since the first Africans were brought as slaves to the British colony of Jamestown, Va. in 1619, blacks had suffered oppression in the United States first under the American slavery system , and then […]

Delaware’s Role During World War I

Delaware’s Role During World War I Delawareans were involved in the Great War before the United States entered in 1917. They served in the British or Canadian armed forces and volunteered on medical teams as ambulance drivers, nurses and doctors. Approximately 10,000 Delaware residents served in the armed forces at home and abroad during World […]

Propaganda Posters

Propaganda Posters

The Great War Ends

The Great War Ends By the fall of 1918, the tides had turned, and it became clear the Allies were going to win the war. Bulgaria was the first to surrender, followed by Turkey, bringing to an end the seven-centuries-old Ottoman Empire. Austria-Hungary, facing starvation and civil war, signed an armistice agreement thereby splitting the […]

The U.S. During World War I

The U.S. During World War I Although many countries were drawn into the conflict of World War I, the United States maintained a policy of isolationism advocated by President Wilson. Elected in 1912 as the 28th president of the United States, Thomas Woodrow Wilson served from 1913 to 1921. The president vowed to keep the country […]

Women During World War I

The period from 1890 through 1920 was known as the Progressive Era in America, an age of increased industrialization and production. Social problems such as labor conditions for children and women, and public health and safety, became prominent national issues. To address some of these social issues, women’s clubs and organizations—like the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) […]

World War I Begins

World War I Begins At the dawn of the 20th century, few anticipated a global war, but what came to be known as the Great War began on June 28, 1914, with the assassinations of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, while they were visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia, a country recently annexed into the Austrian […]

World War I: Introduction

About This Exhibit The State of Delaware maintains an extensive collection of World War I era objects under the stewardship of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs . The World War I collection consists of military gear, uniforms, medals, Red Cross related items including attire, personal letters, postcards, books, photographs, advertisements and sound recordings. The collection also […]