Pages Tagged With: "Thomas Garrett"

Delaware History Connections: Thomas Garrett and Uncle Tom’s Cabin

By Kellie Mullarkey HCA Historic Sites Interpreter Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published on this week in 1852 (March 20th, to be exact). The best-selling novel opened readers’ […]

The Journey: Jail at New Castle Court House, Delaware

The Hawkins family, the Middletown constable and the slave owner’s agent arrived at the New Castle jail at 2:00am, December 6, 1845. The New Castle sheriff, Jacob Caulk, examined the […]

The Journey: Wilmington, Delaware

After receiving permission from the judge, Thomas Garrett procured a wagon and had the family transported to his home in Wilmington. There they joined Samuel Burris and the other freedom […]

The People: Thomas Garrett

Thomas Garrett, a birthright Quaker, was born August 21, 1789 in Upper Darby, PA. He was an iron merchant by trade. After moving to Wilmington, DE, he married his first […]