Pages Tagged With: "Preservation Planning"

Planning So Our Historic Places Have a Future

By Alice Guerrant It’s important every so often to step back and evaluate what you’ve done so that you can see if you need to change something. Every five years, […]

Preservation Plan Draft Available for Comment

By: Alice Guerrant The staff of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs has finished the first complete draft of the statewide historic preservation plan for 2013-2018. We’ve kept it […]

Preservation Planning 2012 – Drafting Goals

By Alice Guerrant, Historic Archaeologist Our statewide historic preservation plan continues to move forward! Last month, we spent a day at Buena Vista Conference Center with preservationists and planners from […]

Preservation Planning 2012: Update from Public Meetings

By Alice Guerrant, Historic Archaeologist Our efforts to update the historic preservation plan are moving steadily forward. The Division has held public meetings across the state to hear from our […]

Public input sought for Brandywine Creek Greenway

Public meetings and online survey seek input on a plan to preserve and enhance the natural, cultural, historic, recreational resources and trails surrounding the Brandywine Creek in Delaware.

State fiscal year 2017 review: Delaware properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places

By Madeline Dunn, Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ historian and National Register of Historic Places coordinator

State Historic Preservation Office

State Historic Preservation Office Contact Information This document is a directory of who to contact in the State Historic Preservation Office. Protection of Historic Properties This section includes information about […]

State Review Board for Historic Preservation recommends nominations for the National Register; honors retirees and welcomes new members

The Delaware State Review Board for Historic Preservation held its annual spring meeting at The Old State House in Dover on April 9, 2014.