Pages Tagged With: "museums"

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, composer

Afro-British musician’s works were recorded by the Victor Talking Machine Company.

Save the date — 2021 Chautauqua

Entitled, “The I’s Have It: Industry, Innovation, and Invention,” activities to take place in Lewes and New Castle during September 2021.

Saving the Past, Shaping the Future in 2023

Hundreds of area students recently got to experience the wonders of historical exploration first-hand.

Shades of Spring 2024 across First State historic sites

See the varied colors of recent native planting projects taking root at sites like Belmont Hall and the annual blossoming of tulips along the coast in Lewes as spring arrives at Delaware’s historic sites.

Social practices in art

Article explores artist Denis A. Volozan and his portrait of George Washington which hangs in The Old State House.

Statement about unauthorized media images of the John Dickinson Plantation burial ground

Dignity of those interred must be respected.

Submit photos — and win prizes — during the Delaware Day Adventure, Dec. 3–12, 2021

Explore the division’s museums, learn and explore Delaware history, and submit photos to win a prize.

Sussex Gardeners deck the halls of the Zwaanendael Museum

Holiday display through December 2016 features preserved flowers, fruit, evergreen branches and other plant material.

Sussex Gardeners make the holidays lively at Zwaanendael Museum

This recent holiday season, the Sussex Gardeners designed festive arrangements with live plants to decorate the Zwaanendael Museum.

Sussex Gardeners to decorate Zwaanendael Museum for the holidays

Decorations presented in conjunction with the Lewes Lights event.

Take a seaside vacation—and see where Delaware’s modern history began

Delaware’s Atlantic Ocean resorts offer a wide variety of historical attractions including Swanendael, the site of Delaware’s first European settlement.

The Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs welcomes new staff

Join the Division in welcoming its newest staff members, who bring a wealth of experience in working with the public, historic sites, programs and more.

The division welcomes new staff members

Join the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs in welcoming its newest staff members, who bring a wealth of experience working with historic sites and a passion for history.

Theme of 2016 Dover Days Festival is historic preservation

Division will be offering several programs including those celebrating the 1976 restoration of The Old State House.

Victor’s ‘Indian Melodies’ recordings

Company played a major role in recording Native-American-inspired music.

Visit our museums

Delaware’s State museums are open with tours that allow visitors to experience the history of the First State while continuing to take all recommended steps to safeguard public health. In […]