Statement about unauthorized media images of the John Dickinson Plantation burial ground

In the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ announcement to the media concerning the discovery of a burial site at the John Dickinson Plantation, we stated that the site was inaccessible. This was done both to protect the site and to respect the integrity of the people buried there.

We are aware that photographic and video images of the site — including photos and footage of the open archeological trenches — were taken by aerial photography by one media outlet. Those images are now being used by a variety of media sources.

We want to ensure everyone that no human remains have been exposed at this site at any time. Our fieldwork purposefully stopped at a depth just below topsoil. It is at this depth that we were able to detect what appears to be burial shaft features.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to treat this site as a sacred place, and to treat the people buried there with the dignity that was taken from them in their lives.

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