War of 1812 lecture series at Old State House in October 2022
Beginning on Oct. 8, and continuing each Saturday through Oct. 22, 2022, the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ Old State House, located at 25 The Green in Dover, Delaware, will reprise its lecture series “The War of 1812: Over Two Centuries Later.” The series was first presented in April 2022.
Programs will take place at 1 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. For additional information, call 302-744-5054 or mailto:OSHmuseum@delaware.gov.
“The War of 1812: Over Two Centuries Later” programs
Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022
“Reminiscences of the Life and Times of Dr. James Tilton.” Lecture by historic-site interpreter Steven Mumford exploring the life and long medical career of Delawarean Dr. James Tilton who served as United States surgeon general during the War of 1812.
Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022
“The Federalist Views of James A. Bayard.” Living-history theatrical performance in which lead historic-site interpreter Gavin Malone portrays Delaware’s James A. Bayard, a prominent member of the Federalist Party and one of the leading voices opposing the war, as he prepares to leave for treaty negotiations with Great Britain.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022
“Stories of the Dauntless Women of the War of 1812.” Lecture by historic-site interpreter Susan Emory exploring the brave women from America, England and Canada who played important roles in the war effort.

Completed in 1791, The Old State House is one of the earliest state-house buildings in the United States, serving as the home of Delaware’s legislature until 1933 when the General Assembly moved to larger quarters in Legislative Hall. The venerable structure now appears as it would have in the late 1700s during the United States’ critical early years as a nation. It features a courtroom, governor’s and county offices and chambers for the state’s Senate and House of Representatives. The building is situated on Dover’s historic Green, a public area designated by William Penn in 1683. The Green is a partner site of the First State National Historical Park.