Details in Delaware: Architecture and cultural resources

“Details in Delaware” is a history-informed collaboration between Kara A. Briggs, an architectural historian with the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs State Historic Preservation Office, and Desiree May, the Division’s social media lead, to bring some interesting Delaware history facts and preservation information to the forefront.

The idea is to showcase the diversity of what the Division does, while also highlighting unique architectural features and landmarks to educate the public. Check out more interesting details like these by visiting the Division on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Details in Delaware: Brick-by-brick

Always think twice before painting your brick building! Historically unpainted brick was not coated because the materials had sufficient strength without paint.

Because of the damaging effects of water saturation and freeze-thaw cycles, painting historically unpainted brick can eventually destroy the brick. Modern waterproof sealants, coatings and paints significantly decrease the brick’s natural breathability. Over time the paint will flake and fail. Water will find its way between the paint and the brick and become trapped in the material. As the water freezes it expands within the material causing stress cracks, leading to spalling, and ultimately, failure.

And don’t forget the Division also has a podcast with many episodes exploring fascinating details about Delaware history. Check it out at