’18th Century Market Fair’ on Nov. 6, 2021
During the “18th Century Market Fair” that will take place on Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., visitors to historic Dover, Delaware will be transported more than two centuries back in time to an era when The Green and The Old State House were the center of the city’s commercial and governmental activity.
Activities presented outside on The Green will include historical trade demonstrations, vendors selling food and wares, and talented performers sweeping visitors back through the centuries. Activities presented in The Old State House, located at 25 The Green, will include quill-pen writing, consultations with an 18th century doctor and apothecary, and the theatrical production “The Doctors Are In” at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. featuring historic-site interpreters Dennis Fisher and Steven Mumford portraying Delaware doctors James Sykes and James Tilton. Go to the following for a complete listing of “18th Century Market Fair” activities.

The “18th Century Market Fair” is sponsored by the First State Heritage Park in partnership with a wide variety of downtown Dover organizations including the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs. Admission is free and open to the public. For additional information, call the First State Heritage Park at 302-739-9194 or The Old State House at 744-5054.