Certified Local Government (CLG) Program

Local governments that recognize the importance of historic preservation and its role in creating sustainable, economically-viable communities are encouraged to pursue Certified Local Government (CLG) status. The CLG Program strengthens preservation efforts at the local-level by providing technical and financial assistance, while encouraging successful preservation programs and practices. As part of the nationwide CLG Program, Delaware’s CLG Program is administered by the Delaware State Historic Preservation Office (DE SHPO) in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS).
CLG Grants
CLGs may apply for grants to pursue various historic preservation-related projects and programs. CLG grants are awarded on a 60/40 matching basis: the grant may constitute up to 60% of the project cost, while the applicant provides the remaining 40% through cash and/or donated services and materials. For additional information, review CLG Grant Application Guidance
Please contact the Delaware State Historic Preservation Office Grants Manager for information on how to apply and the application process (contact information listed below).
Eligible Activities
CLG grants may be used toward non-brick and mortar (i.e. not construction-related) preservation activities, including but not limited to):
- National Register nominations and amendments
- Architectural and archaeological surveys
- Preservation-related public outreach projects such as informational brochures, websites, walking tours, etc.
- Training for CLG staff and commission members
- Expanding design guidelines to address issues such as modern infill, renewable energy systems, etc.
Technical Assistance
SHPO staff is available to provide ongoing technical assistance. SHPO staff may present training sessions, attend historic commission meetings to answer questions directly and provide commission members with informational materials.
CLG Responsibilities
To participate in the CLG Program, local governments must meet several minimum requirements which are fully detailed in CLG PROGRAM GUIDELINES (PDF DOWNLOAD). Broadly, these requirements include:
- Enforcing a preservation ordinance
- Establishing a qualified historic preservation commission
- Providing for adequate public participation as required by local, state and federal regulations
- Participating in the review of local National Register nominations
- Maintaining a publicly-available list and map of locally-designated historic properties
- If the CLG chooses to undertake a historic property survey, it must follow SHPO survey guidelines
Can a Local Government Opt Out of the CLG Program?
Yes. The CLG Program is a voluntary commitment.
CLG Tool Kit
- National Park Service: Technical Preservation Services’ (TPS) Online Training TPS provides several free online training courses on preserving, restoring and rehabilitating historic buildings.
- Webinars Produced by Restore Media, LLC Restore Media produces free preservation-related webinars which are hosted live and archived for on-demand viewing.
- National Park Service: Archaeology Program’s Distance Learning The Archaeology Program provides a variety of free archaeological-related case studies, in-depth information and interactive quizzes.
A downloadable resource guide with links addressing the following preservation issues:
- Preservation organizations/agencies
- Demolition
- Design guidelines
- Energy efficiency/sustainability
- Funding
- Lead paint
- Legal
- New construction/additions
- Preservation ordinances
- Preservation planning
- Survey
- Windows
CLG Contact
Kara Briggs, CLG Coordinator
Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs
29 N. State St.
Dover, DE 19901
Telephone: (302) 736-7433
Fax: (302) 739-5660
Gwen Davis, Grants Manager
Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs
29 N. State St.
Dover, DE 19901
Telephone: (302) 736-7410