Buena Vista welcomes springtime guests
Save the date for Oct. 21 movie event
A rainy mid-May day did not dampen the enthusiasm of those visiting the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ sprawling Buena Vista historic site. Plein air artists guided visitors through creating their own unique artwork, house tours were offered and visitors had the opportunity to learn about Buena Vista’s history and architecture. Visitors also had the opportunity to plant either nasturtiums or sunflowers and decorate their own flower pot.

Buena Vista’s next public event will be an outdoor movie event on Saturday, Oct. 21, featuring “Hocus Pocus” just in time for Halloween. Attendees will be encouraged to dress as their favorite character from the movie while lawn games and a photo booth presented by Professor Looney will be on site for pre-movie entertainment. Participants are also encouraged to bring their favorite lawn chair or blanket.