Delaware State Review Board for Historic Preservation business meeting on Oct. 20, 2021
The Delaware State Review Board for Historic Preservation will hold a business meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. to Noon. In keeping with Gov. Carney’s current guidance regarding COVID-19, the meeting will be conducted remotely, via internet on Zoom or by telephone. Go to the following meeting notice where an agenda can be accessed.
To participate via Zoom, go to the following hyperlink: Participants are not required to download a special application and need only enter their e-mail address and first and last names before clicking the “Join Webinar” button.
To participate via telephone, call United States Toll at 1-301-715-8592 and enter the following Webinar ID: 868 7469 4535. Go to the following for global call-in numbers.
Copies of the minutes will be made available upon request in accordance with the law. Written comments may be submitted prior to the meeting date. The public may also submit comments and questions online during the virtual meeting.
The Delaware State Review Board for Historic Preservation serves as an advisory body to the State Historic Preservation Officer, the State official who has been appointed by the governor to oversee and implement the State’s preservation policies in accordance with federal standards. State review boards were created to function primarily as professional bodies that can objectively evaluate the historic significance of properties and provide professional advice on historic preservation matters. In order to accomplish this, a majority of the members must meet minimum professional requirements established in regulation by the National Park Service and represent certain professional disciplines established by the National Historic Preservation Act and amplified in regulation by the National Park Service.
For additional information, please contact Madeline Dunn, the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ National Register coordinator via e-mail at or by calling 302-736-7417.