‘Mischief Managed: Throwing a Hotsy-Totsy Halloween Bash’ at the Johnson Victrola Museum on Oct. 30, 2020
–Program to be presented free via Zoom; registration required–
In the spirit of ending mischief and keeping the kids safely at home, Dover, Del.’s Johnson Victrola Museum will present the historical-theater presentation “Mischief Managed: Throwing a Hotsy-Totsy Halloween Bash” on Friday, Oct. 30, 2020 at 6 p.m. NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, “Mischief Managed” will not be conducted in front of a live audience but will instead be streamed live via Zoom.

Created as the ultimate 1927 guide to throwing the perfect Halloween party, “Mischief Managed” will include a costume-making demonstration, suggested party games, recommendations for the perfect 1920s foods for entertaining and advice for the perfect treats to give out to trick-or-treaters in 1927. The program will be accompanied by 78-rpm recordings of Halloween-related music played on authentic Victor Talking Machines.
“Mischief Managed: Throwing a Hotsy-Totsy Halloween Bash” is free and open to its first 100 registrants. Viewers MUST REGISTER for the program by going to the following sign-up link. For additional information, contact the Johnson Victrola Museum via e-mail at jvmmuseum@gmail.com or by telephone at 302-739-3262. Go to the following for information on how to join a Zoom meeting.
The Johnson Victrola Museum highlights the life and achievements of Delaware’s native son, Eldridge Reeves Johnson, founder of The Victor Talking Machine Company. Through machines, trademarks, recordings, objects, paintings and advertisements, it showcases Johnson, his company and the development of the sound-recording industry. The museum is administered by the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, an agency of the State of Delaware.