Carolyn Apple receives a Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Award
In a ceremony held at the Dover Downs Hotel on Oct. 19, 2016, Delaware Gov. Jack Markell recognized 30 individuals and groups as recipients of the 2016 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards. Carolyn Apple, a volunteer for the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs’ Collections, Affiliates, Research and Exhibits (CARE) Team, was honored in the awards program’s Arts and Culture category for her work in rescuing, and adding to the state’s collections, more than 600 photographs taken by Dover, Del. native William D. Willis and his colleagues who served as official military photographers during service in Western Europe between 1943 and 1945.

Following is an excerpt from the paragraph on Apple’s accomplishments that appeared in the 2016 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards program book. The paragraph was written by Bridget Wallace, coordinator of the division’s Volunteer Program:
In November of 2012, Carolyn Apple began her volunteer efforts with the Delaware Division of Historical & Cultural Affairs and brought to the attention of the Division a large collection of more than 600 WWII era photographs, personal papers and objects from Delawarean, William D. Willis. … Over 600 volunteer hours later, Carolyn’s efforts resulted in “World War II: Through the Lens of William D. Willis,” an exhibit that opened in Legislative Hall in March 2015, and has since traveled throughout Delaware. Carolyn has also been instrumental in the success of other exhibits and has helped to increase donations of more WWII memorabilia. … Through the volunteer service of Carolyn Apple, veterans are able to share an integral part of their lives with their children and grandchildren.

The Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards program honors individuals, organizations, community groups and corporate volunteerism in the areas of arts and culture, community service, education, environment, health, human needs, public safety and social justice. In an article in the Delaware State News, Markell commented on the program noting, “One of my greatest honors is recognizing the volunteers each year who give back to their communities. Their acts of selflessness empower so many other lives and contribute to a stronger and healthier Delaware for all of us. Tapping into their generosity is one of the keys to realizing our state’s potential, recognizing that government alone can’t solve all of the challenges we face.”
The Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Awards program is sponsored by the Office of the Governor, Delaware Health and Social Services, the Division of State Service Centers, the State Office of Volunteerism, as well as the Governor’s Commission on Community and Volunteer Service.