First State National Historical Park seeks public comment on Sheriff’s House in New Castle
The First State National Historical Park is requesting public input in developing a rehabilitation and use plan for the Sheriff’s House in New Castle, Del. As part of its information-gathering process, National Park Service staff will conduct a public scoping-meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the New Castle Court House Museum located at 211 Delaware St. in New Castle. The public is invited to participate in the project planning-process by helping to identify potential uses for the Sheriff’s House, environmental impacts, issues, concerns and alternative concepts.

Developing a rehabilitation and use plan is part of the Park Service’s effort to review conceptual plans to see what options exist for the interior of the Sheriff’s House. The Park Service is also developing a historic-structure report which will inform the design-concept plan process. Actual rehabilitation is still several years away and contingent upon funding.
The purpose of the scoping meeting is to provide an opportunity for interested individuals and organizations to learn about the planning process and to provide thoughts, ideas and concerns for the future use and management of the Sheriff’s House. Posters and other information about the Sheriff’s House will be available for the public to review, and Park Service staff will be on hand to answer questions and accept public comments. There will not be a formal presentation so interested parties may arrive at any time between 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. to share their thoughts.
Following the meeting, the Park Service will accept comments and ideas for a 30-day period and begin to develop general alternatives for the rehabilitation and use of the Sheriff’s House. By mid-March, the alternatives will be used to conduct an environmental assessment which will be distributed for public review and comment during the summer of 2016.
More information about the project can be found at the park’s planning website. Comments on the project may be submitted by attending the public scoping meeting or by submitting them electronically on the planning website (noted above). All information presented at the public scoping meeting will be uploaded to the website following the meeting.
For more information about the park, its programs, and the planning process please e-mail Superintendent Ethan McKinley.