Gathering public input on the 2018-2022 Statewide Historic Preservation Plan: New on-line survey available
By Alice Guerrant, Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs archaeologist and Historic Properties Research Center manager.
In recent months, the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs and its consultant, Heritage Strategies, have been working on the development of Delaware’s next statewide historic preservation plan.
In March 2017, we held five public meetings to ask Delawareans’ about the needs and issues facing historic places in the state, and to hear their ideas for the priorities for the next plan.
What did we hear?
We heard about the need for more education at all levels about historic preservation, and in particular, the need for training tradespeople in the special techniques and methods for restoring buildings properly. Participants also expressed the need for more attention to planning on the local level. Finally, we heard again and again that local communities and grassroots organizations play a vital role in preservation but need leadership and support.
Did you miss the public meetings? It’s not too late to be heard! Take our on-line survey: There are only nine questions, and it should take about 15 minutes.
Have a specific issue or observation? Email us at
We want to hear from you!