Details in Delaware: Homsey Architects

“Details in Delaware” is a history-informed collaboration between Kara A. Briggs, an architectural historian with the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs State Historic Preservation Office, and Desiree May, the Division’s social media lead, to bring some interesting Delaware history facts and preservation information to the forefront.

The idea is to showcase the diversity of what the Division does, while also highlighting unique architectural features and historic cultural resources to educate the public. Check out more interesting details like these by visiting the Division on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Homsey Architects

Photo of the Homsey Architects building

Did you know Homsey Architects, based in Wilmington, was one of the first female-led architectural firms in Delaware?

Portrait of Victorine du Pont Homsey
Victorine du Pont Homsey

In 1935, Victorine du Pont Homsey and her husband founded Victorine & Samuel Homsey, Inc. where Victorine served as principal. In 1967, she was the first female architect from Delaware and eighth woman in the country elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.

Victorine was also in demand as a landscape architect and designed a number of Delaware gardens.

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